BBS Delivery and Take-Out

We’ve started another list of things people may need…and we’ve placed them in categories (please give us suggestions for things we may have missed). The concept is simple…people that feel safe going out will get these for people who don’t feel safe going out. There are currently 4 main categories…the first is Essential Physical things and the second is Entertaining Physical Things that may not be essential, but they could be obtained while picking up the essentials. The third category is Things You Can Do…some are for you, some are for others, and some are for both. The fourth category is Emotional Things that you may need (and we can all help one another with these).


Participation is open to BBS Staff, Members, and Guests

BBS Delivery:

You want to participate, but feel it’s best if you stay in your home.

We will Deliver any materials/resources you may need, and then collect anything that needs to be delivered to the next person.



BBS Take-Out:

You want to participate, and you feel as though you can safely leave your home while following current restrictions and guidance.

You’re willing to Deliver any materials/resources that anyone may need, and then collect anything that needs to be delivered to the next person.

List of Needs

Physical Needs
Paper towels
Toilet Paper
Personal hygiene items
Cleaning Supplies

Entertaining Needs
Coloring books
Books to Read
Brain/Game Apps

Emotional Needs
Not feeling alone
Permission to grieve

Things You Can Do
Call others
Write cards to others
Daily Journal
Letters to your past self
Go outside
Outside 6+ft away
Drive w/Windows down

Bridging the Digital Divide

Some of you are already proficient with taking pics and videos to share with others…but, many are not. We’re purchasing 5 simple cameras to rotate through those of you who are not proficient (one button takes a picture and the other button takes a video…easy-peasy lemon-squeezy). We’ll be uploading shared pics and vids to the BBS site for those that want to share.

BBS Delivery will:  Charge Camera, Drop off with instructions, Pick up when ready, Save pics/vids then erase, Charge Camera, Drop off with next member...and post videos on site.

Subjects for Videos
Personal Victory
The Struggle is Real
Life/Virus Hack
Perspective Check-up
Message To Younger Self

Tag the next Member

Please call or email if you have any needs or if you want to participate:

704-800-3036   or   [email protected]